First Words

How important are the first words someone speaks to us? They can put up walls or launch lifelong relationships. In Matthew 5:1-10 Jesus begins speaking to the masses, outlining what it means to be a disciple in eight succinct sentences. The beatitudes provide the foundation for a life of following Jesus. As you hear these words, […]


Identity – it is how we define ourselves and how we are viewed by others. As Matthew begins his gospel he works to unveil the identity of Jesus. Before Jesus begins his ministry, he meets John the Baptist who has been preparing the way for the Messiah. John the Baptist is a fiery figure, calling for […]

Twisted – Week 6

Pretext (n): a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason. The twisted lesson this week – taking a message out of context can create a pretext. We turn to Matthew 4:1-11 where the devil tries to use every tool to tempt Jesus in the wilderness. This includes using scripture […]

A new series exploring the most misused verses in the Bible.

Twisted – Week 5

Taking scripture out of it’s context, we can miss the interpretation. Matthew 18:20 – “For where two or three gather in my name, there I am with them.” This verse can be easily twisted to suit our individual needs, but in doing so we miss the power of the Word and what it holds for us. […]