The Unexpectedness of the Cross

Think about how many crosses you came across today. Wes Baldwin stops in with an insightful message about the truly unexpectedness of the cross. Today the symbol of the cross has been so transformed from what it represented during Jesus’ time that the original power of this symbol can be lost. When we really understand […]

CET-What is the Church?

What is the church? Or really, what did Jesus mean when he told Peter to build His church on the knowledge that he is the Messiah, the son of God? Is it about setting up a building or was it something deeper. As we look at Christian life through the cross and the empty tomb, […]

CET – Why we go to church

As we explore what compels us as Christians, we look to the cross and the empty tomb. This week in the series explores the age old question – why do I go to church again? Explore the entire series of the Cross and the Empty Tomb.

Cross and the Empty Tomb (CET)

This series of messages is a look at why we as Christians do the things we do. Why do we go to church, give to the church, baptize, forgive. While we each may have different reasons for starting these practices, we’re called to something deeper. We do these things because of the promise that comes […]

why church?

Ever wonder why church? Maybe you think about why you go every Sunday or maybe you think about why would anyone go to a church. Often we look to the church and expect to find the perfection of Christ. The trouble with this is the church is full of broken people which can push many away. But it turns […]